In business, growth isn’t just a destination; it’s a journey riddled with obstacles. Often, the biggest challenge isn’t the competition—it’s the invisible barriers we create for ourselves.

Afew years ago, the mantra was simple: push harder, move faster. But asbusinesses evolve, so do the complexities they face. And sometimes, the pathforward isn’t about acceleration but about clearing the roadblocks that areslowing you down.

Here’sa question that every business leader should ask: "Where are wehesitating?"

Hesitation is morethan a pause; it’s a signal. It’s where doubt creeps in, where decisions getdelayed, where progress stalls. Whether it’s a product launch that never quitegets off the ground or a strategic move that’s been endlessly debated,hesitation marks the spot where growth bottlenecks hide.

Jeff Bezos onceobserved, "Business is not a battle with competitors; it is a battle forthe consumer." But before you can win that battle, you must first win theinternal battle—against hesitation, against the inertia that keeps you frommoving forward.

Consider this: if yourteam is hesitating, what does that tell you? Is there a lack of confidence inthe decision? Are they uncertain about the market’s readiness? Or perhapsthere’s a deeper misalignment within the team. These are your real bottlenecks,and until they’re addressed, growth will remain just out of reach.

Thenext time you notice hesitation, don’t ignore it. Instead, dig deeper. Askyourself not just where but why the hesitation exists. The answer mightreveal the exact barrier that’s been holding you back.

Growth isn’t alwaysabout adding more to your strategy. Sometimes, it’s about subtracting what’s inthe way.

Reflection questions:

  1. Is there an area in your business where decisions are consistently delayed?
  2. What underlying fears or uncertainties might be causing this hesitation?
  3. How can you address these to clear the path for growth?

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