Influence Change Facilitation

Provide experienced guidance to help your teams overcome resistance to change along the change journey through engaging workshops.

Organizational change combines inner shifts in people's values, aspirations and behaviours with outer shifts in processes, strategies, practices and systems.

The combination of these interconnected forces makes CHANGE daunting and overwhelming.

This requires experienced guidance to overcome the obstacles during the change process.

I have helped multiple companies navigate major changes in a workshop environment. I help your BIG IDEAS IMPACT by assisting you during these sessions.

I apply facilitation tools that encourage a safe and open environment to address concerns while building and nurturing TRUST

Vision session:

identify both the "things" that need to be done and the potential impact on people in the organization. This results in a clear description of the change

Education and development sessions:

Facilitating small group education sessions to ensure people understand the nature of the change and get their buy-in.

Project planning sessions:

sessions designed to build the project structure; developing project plans to ensure tasks are completed on time and to standard

Change Management Planning Sessions:

sessions designed to build the “people structure".

Are we a good fit?

Read more about me here and even better let's schedule a 30min call. A conversation is the best way for us to mutually evaluate if my services and style area good fit for your need and culture.

My approach is intended for organizations that have:

  • A designated leadership for their change efforts or intends to designate one.
  • A desire to strengthen their internal ability to effectively influence change to create VALUE

My rates vary with the size of the organization and the complexity of the required change efforts. As a ballpark figure, my starting rates are 5,000 euros / week